Welcome to DBH! Founded in 2010, we're the world's first 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to education, support, and advocacy for people with diabetes and eating disorders, and their loved ones. After 14+ years of work in the field, we have expanded into the field of diabetes and mental health including diabetes burnout, diabetes distress, diabetes + depression, anxiety, PTSD or OCD.
Diabulimia is an eating disorder where one purposefully manipulates or withholds insulin in order to lose weight. T1DE is nomennclature that was crated in the U.K. It stands for Type 1-Disordered Eating. ED-DMT1 stands for Eating Disorder-Diabetes Mellitus Type 1; it refers to a person with Type 1 Diabetes that also suffers from any eating disorder. Research suggests that over 30 percent of women with type 1 diabetes between the ages of 15 and 30 engage in insulin omission to some degree. Studies show that people with type 1 diabetes are two and a half times more likely to develop an eating disorder than other women. |
Our mission is to bring awareness about the co-morbidity of diabetes and eating disorders; provide resources to those afflicted and educate healthcare professionals about the presence and dangers of mental health issues in the diabetes community.
We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization; and all of are client services are offered free of charge. So if you're enjoying the resources and information provided by DBH then please Donate below.

Note from our Founder && Executive Director:
Sometimes the consequences of these diseases, both diabetes and mental health disorders can seem overwhelming. But there is hope. DBH stands for Dream, Believe, Hope. We chose that because those are the three things that I stopped doing when I fell into the darkness of my eating disorder. That became our mission: to help each and every one of our clients find again. Dreams for a life beyond your eating disorder, belief that true recovery possible && that thing that is hardest to find, but is always there even in the darkest of times, your hope. Hope for the life you once dreamed of. Hope you thought you had lost forever. Hope that you are not your eating disorder. The fact that you are here means you're ready to take hold of that hope, and take hold of your life again. If today you are fallen, it does not mean you can not get back up. If today you feel beaten, it does not mean you are destroyed. Our logo is the phoenix because I believe that you, like so many before you have, can rise from the ashes of this disease to reclaim your life. You're not alone in your struggle and you won't be alone in your recovery. We are here for you 24/7 through our crisis line or through our email.
Sometimes the consequences of these diseases, both diabetes and mental health disorders can seem overwhelming. But there is hope. DBH stands for Dream, Believe, Hope. We chose that because those are the three things that I stopped doing when I fell into the darkness of my eating disorder. That became our mission: to help each and every one of our clients find again. Dreams for a life beyond your eating disorder, belief that true recovery possible && that thing that is hardest to find, but is always there even in the darkest of times, your hope. Hope for the life you once dreamed of. Hope you thought you had lost forever. Hope that you are not your eating disorder. The fact that you are here means you're ready to take hold of that hope, and take hold of your life again. If today you are fallen, it does not mean you can not get back up. If today you feel beaten, it does not mean you are destroyed. Our logo is the phoenix because I believe that you, like so many before you have, can rise from the ashes of this disease to reclaim your life. You're not alone in your struggle and you won't be alone in your recovery. We are here for you 24/7 through our crisis line or through our email.
With Hope,
Erin M. Akers;
Founder, Executive Director
DBH; Dream, Believe, Hope with diabetes.
[email protected]
Erin M. Akers;
Founder, Executive Director
DBH; Dream, Believe, Hope with diabetes.
[email protected]
We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, 100% volunteer run, with no paid staff. All of are client services are offered free of charge. So if you're enjoying the resources and information provided by DBH then please Donate below.